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Armed and Inked Page 3

  “What did you do before you came to work for us?” She asks innocently. “I was in the military for a while but I decided I needed a change of scenery, and since I was taught how to pierce before I joined, it was pretty much a no brainer to pick it back up and just have fun for once.” I explain and then take a drink. “Wow, I can’t imagine what you must have been through.” I hate talking about this. “Your Aunt must have been scared to death when you left.” Instead of asking if I’ve killed people, which I will walk away and not talk about with anyone, she asks me how my Aunt felt. Now that I can answer. “She was crying for weeks before I left.” I admit as I chuckle with the memory of her crying. “Every time she saw me she would hug me so tight I couldn’t breathe.” “That poor woman. She was probably ecstatic when you came home!” She said with a smile which makes her eyes light up. So I nod before answering. “She still cried but she couldn’t squeeze me like she did before I left because she said that I became a massive giant.” I find myself admitting to her strangely as we both laugh about it. “So you like working at A&I?” She asks as she reaches back and pulls her hair up into a ponytail which exposes her smooth silky looking neck. Her beauty stalls my brain, because I’d love nothing more than to taste every inch of her.

  Catching my stare Lilly tilts her head and smiles again. She has no idea that it’s killing me inside to play it cool. Just to sit here and talk like this is odd for me because usually it’s to fulfill only one thing and it’s always a mutual agreement that ends without a promise of even a phone call. With Lilly however, that could never happen.

  “Well?” She asks as I shake the sick feeling I have inside. “I love it. Shane and I have known each other a while now and when he offered me a spot I couldn’t say no.” I explain as I look for a way out just as Jenny comes back over. “I’m not going to be able to go home with him now, because your brother won’t just let him win.” She says dramatically with and eye roll.

  Lilly goes quiet since Jenny comes back over and it’s hard to say what she’s thinking about now. Part of me wants to take her and go somewhere else, while the other part wants to walk away and keep the peace. “Hey man, you want to shoot a game with him?” Shane comes back over and asks as he looks from Lilly and back to me. Not that I’m scared of Shane by any means, in fact I fear no one, it’s just that I respect him and I know he wants what’s best for his little sister. So that means I’m best to stay away. “I guess, since he is good and pissed off now.” I reply with cynicism and he laughs while handing me over his pool stick. When I chug the rest of my drink I look down at Lilly one more time before I head over to Maddox who is setting up the triangle of balls, and I see a look in her eyes. If I didn’t know any better I’d say that her and I just might be on the same page because I’m pretty sure we both know what would happen tonight if no one else was around and there was no consequences. That thought alone is enough to make me stop drinking and keep a clear head, because that can’t happen.

  So I welcome a game with a mad man. At least it will give me a chance to cool down and think about something else. “You break.” He tells me with the look of fury in his eyes. “Okay, just breathe for fucks sakes man, it’s only a game.” I tell him as I move to line up my shot. He sighs as he bounces the end of the stick off the floor nervously. “I know, but that bastard always gets me worked up, I swear I’m never playing him again.” Maddox explains. I chuckle as I crack the ball. “You say that every time.” I remind him as I step back and see what I’ll be playing. “You got high ball.” I tell him as I move to take another shot, but before I line it up I can’t help but notice Lilly and Jen go up to the bar and order something from Tom. She smiles at him as he tells her something, and then Jenny shakes her head as she turns to look over at our game. So I quickly focus back on my shot, I hit it and miss it. When I step back I look to see where Shane is and he is on his phone apparently texting away not paying attention to any of us.

  Maddox’s first shot is successful and a smile plays on his lips as he looks for his next line up. I chance a look back to the bar as Tom gives the girls two drinks and they turn around to watch the game. Again her eyes find me and I can’t help but smile right back at her. “You’re up.” Maddox tells me as the girls and Shane now stand around to watch us. So I move around and find my next shot. As it just so happens my ball is aiming for the pocket that lines right up with Lilly’s thigh. When I feel her stare I look up and see that she is discretely shaking her head at me. Shane sees it too and he is obviously holding back a laugh. Quickly I put two and two together and I catch their drift. I have to lose this game.

  I hate losing but I will do it for a friend. He needs to relax a little so I figure I’ll let him. With another hit I miss. He wastes no time in jumping back in. With three shots he is in the lead but since I have to make it look believable I make in two more of mine and then miss. When I look back up to our three spectators I could laugh, because they all know what’s going on. Maddox however, the poor guy, was never good at pool. With his big bad biker look going on you would think he could run a table and not think twice about it. Sadly that’s not the case. Shane has tried to show him many times but lately he just won’t let him win anymore. He seems to think that Maddox will get better from learning from his mistakes, but honestly it just makes him all pissed off and angry. Hence why I’m going to give the poor man a break and let him have this one.

  Now that it’s down to the eight ball, I can honestly say that I tried to let him win, he just can’t seem to get it in the damn pocket. Jenny is biting her lip because she knows what will happen if he loses again and Lilly is hiding behind her brother now only peeking around his shoulder to watch. Shane’s arms are crossed as he holds back a smart ass grin and I know what I have to do.

  With Maddox pacing I’m left with no other choice. I shoot. The eight ball goes in and right after that so does the Cue ball, causing me to officially lose. Maddox holds up his pool stick and yells out “I fucking won”. Shane rolls his eyes and Jenny lets out a breath she seemed to be holding while Lilly mouths a thank you to me. “Good game man.” I reach out and pat him on the shoulder. “Yeah, it was pretty intense, but I can’t believe I beat you!” He has no idea, but it will be easier to work with him tomorrow anyhow. So I nod and agree. “Yeah me neither.” I say back as I hear Lilly chuckle from behind me. When I turn I see her suck the last bit through her straw and then sit the glass down on the table.

  “Good game.” She says with a smile as she stuffs her thumbs into the back pockets of her jeans. “Yeah, he needed to win one I guess.” I agree with a shrug. Her hand comes up to my chest and rests there for only a moment when I feel as if I was just shocked with one of those paddles that brings people back to life, as she tells me that “You did the right thing.” Before she takes her hand back and turns to talk to Jenny. Leaving me just standing there like an idiot in awe of her.

  “I’m outta here.” Shane casually tells us as Maddox calms down and hooks an arm around his wife. “Us too.” Maddox tells him and he nods. “Hey Lils, I have someone outside waiting for me. I won’t be home tonight but my truck keys are on the table if you absolutely need to go somewhere. Just be easy with it.” Shane tells her as he walks backwards towards the door. “Thanks, but I’m just staying in so don’t worry about your precious baby.” She tells him which causes some laughter because everyone knows how he is with his truck. So with a smile he flips us all off before he walks out the door.

  Lilly and Jen turn to take the bill up to Tom and pay it. I follow behind as I pull out my wallet. “Hold up, I have cash.” I tell them. “Nope, tonight it’s on A&I.” Lilly says as she pulls out the company card and hands the slip and her card to Tom who gives me a dirty look. “Shane insisted before he left.” Jenny confirms. So I fold up my wallet and put it away but remain by Lilly just to piss him off even more, because fuck him that’s why. When he hands the card back to her he gives her this odd stare while she and Jenny begin to figure out a tip, and when Lilly leans o
n the bar he looks over her shoulder and down at her ass. So of course I step up behind her, she feels me there and looks over her shoulder quickly, when she sees it’s me she raises an eyebrow and goes back to signing then stands up to hand him the receipt. “Bye Tom.” Her voice is cold towards him. “I’m always here Lilly!” the fucker replied. It all happened in the matter of a minute but now I know what this asshole is playing at.

  “Will you walk me home?” Without giving him a second thought she turns around and asks me loud enough so he can hear while Jenny snickers as she walks over to Maddox who is waiting. I’ll definitely play along. So I hook my arm around her and pull her into my side. “Sure thing sweetheart.” I reply as I look back at him and smile before I lead us to the doors.

  When we get outside Jenny sighs and turns around to look at us. “I can’t believe the nerve of that creep!” Maddox looks at her confused and then to us with an even more confused look on his face. So I drop my arm and act normal as she still walks next to me. “I know right! He was not giving up tonight was he?” Lilly replies back. “What did I miss?” Maddox asks. So Jenny hugs his arm and continues to walk while explaining in front of us. “Tom was being a total perv. He kept insisting on Lilly going home with him tonight and making some…suggestions, if you know what I mean.” When Jenny finished I see Maddox stop because he was getting a little pissed and quite honestly so am I. “Did you put him in his place or do I have to because if your brother was here he’d be going to jail right about now?” He turns to ask Lilly. “I turned him down, and then Dylan here helped me get the point across.” Lilly’s sweet nature is something everyone apparently wants to protect. “Good, you can’t keep taking shit, Lils. First Brandon, now Tom. I’m glad you are finally standing up for yourself.” He shakes his head and then keeps walking to their truck that’s parked on the side of Armed and Inked. “We’re going home. You sure you’ll be alright by yourself?” Jen asks Lilly. “Of course, I’ll be fine. Besides it’s probably time to get a place of my own here anyway.” Lilly nervously makes the comment and Jenny smiles like a mother who is proud would do. “I think that’s a great idea! I can help you look!” Jenny says in excitement as Lilly smiles from ear to ear. “Okay, okay. Let’s go, you girls will be here all night standing in the alley talking about this. Tomorrow’s another day.” Maddox picks up Jenny princess style as she screams in laughter. “Put me down you cave man!” “Never!” He teases as he opens the door of the truck and sets her up in it while Lilly and I laugh. “See you all in the morning.” He says as he jumps in to start it up and puts it in drive with Jen waiving out the window going down the road.

  I hate these kinds of moments. So fucking awkward especially when there are so many fireworks blasting off between us and nothing can be done about it. “Well, thank you for saving me.” She begins as she grips her bottom lip in between her teeth. “Anytime.” I reply as I hold the door open for her to go up the stairs to her front door. With a smile and a brief pause she walks past me. “Hey, what did Tom say to you?” I have to ask because for some odd reason I just need to know. Lilly stops on the first step, turns around and looks back to me as I keep one arm holding the door open so I can make sure she gets in alright. “Nothing really.” She says but looks away and I know there’s more. So I let go of the door and stand in the stairwell with her. “Let me decide if it’s really nothing.” I hold firm. She sighs and drops down to sit on the step. “Men can be fucking assholes.” She tells me and I have to admit, I didn’t expect that answer. Being a little shocked I sit down next to her which puts us shoulder to shoulder again for the second time tonight. “I have to agree with you there, hell I’ve been called worse a time or two.” I say which causes her to chuckle. “Well I wouldn’t call you that.” She teases. “Give it time.” I reply and then look over at her. “Well?” I push and she shakes her head. “He just wanted to take me back to his place. He said that… oh god, this is so weird.” Her hands fly up to cover her face as she prepares to continue. “He said that he wanted to show me what a real man can do while making me surrender to him, and that I’d be stupid not to take advantage of his offer. So I asked him what his mother would think if she knew what he was like and his reply was that she will be upstairs and she won’t ever have to know.” She finishes and since I can picture him actually saying that, I laugh. Her hands come down away from her flushed face and she starts to laugh too. “Who says that?” She asks me in between laughter. “Wow, I honestly don’t know what to say to that.” I tell her. “I just wonder if that pick up line has ever worked for him before.” I add as we both keep laughing. “I highly doubt it because the look on his face was sad when I told him that it’s never going to happen.”

  When the laughter dies down neither one of us gets up. “Well if he doesn’t leave you alone someone’s going to have to go down there and set him straight.” I tell her truthfully. “Either that or tell his mother and let her kick his ass.” She says which causes us to laugh some more.

  Lilly wipes the corner of her eyes from laughing so hard. “Well I guess I better let you go I’m sure you have better things to be doing.” She claims as she stands up so I follow her lead and stand up as well. Face to face in a small stairway our night is sadly about to come to an end, and knowing that she is all alone tonight makes it hard to walk away. If we were strangers just meeting at the bar, there’s no doubt that we’d end up in my bed, because the signs are all there. Plus oddly enough there is conversation between us. A general interest in one another that is undeniably there. “I ‘m just going home myself, nothing else going on really.” I let her know as I push the door back open to give us some space. “No wife or girlfriend to go home to?” She nervously asks and I can see heat rising in her cheeks again. “Nope, no one.” I confirm as I can see a slight smile form on her smooth pink lips. “Well, it’s not so bad being alone I guess.” She admits softly. “Everyone needs company once in a while.” I tell her just to see what she will say. After a moment she answers lightheartedly. “Good company is hard to find though.” “I have to agree with you there.” Our playful banter shows that neither of us really wants to walk away from one another but since life fucking sucks sometimes I guess I’ll be the asshole to walk away first. So I do the typical check my phone for the time and bring this to an end. “Well Lilly, I guess I better let you go, it’s getting late.” My smile is forced as I look at her face and realize that I’m totally fucked for having to work right across the hall from this woman and never be able to touch her. “Yeah, I desperately need a hot shower and sleep.” And I’d like to fuck you in the hot shower then keep you next to me so I could do it again in the morning too. “Goodnight Lilly.” Instead are the words that come out thankfully. “Night Dylan.” She turns to go up the stairs and into her front door while the lock of the deadbolt echoes in the hallway. I reluctantly walk away from the first woman in a long time that has held my interest. She’s funny, playful, innocent, and crazy beautiful, but completely off limits. What the fuck.

  Chapter 5

  “The days begin to blur”


  The next week and a half seems to come and go like a flash. Everyone is busy and working over, which isn’t really a bad thing. The new hire starts tomorrow which will help out here and there since he is only part time. So this morning I spent getting all his paperwork in line so he just has to come in and fill out some stuff later on today. His name is Tony and he has been tattooing for many years. His wife has a great job and their kids are starting college so he is picking up some more work because they want to be able to pay the whole tuition for both of their kids. When I talked to him on the phone he seemed really nice plus everyone here swears by him. Apparently he has tattooed some famous people so he obviously does great work, and that means he also brings some of his loyal people into our shop. Shane and Sill are getting his work station completely stocked and ready to go for tomorrow too. At this point we are comfortably maxed out for space in this building now, and that was a goal
we had when we opened this place.

  “Hey, Sill is running out to get us lunch. What do you guys want?” Jenny stands in the hallway between my office and Dylan’s with a tablet and a pen when he comes up behind her. “I’ll take the Buffalo Chicken Sandwich and fries.” He tells her and she writes it down then looks to me. “That sounds really good, just make it two of that.” I tell her as I pull out some cash and stand up to hand it over. “I got it.” Dylan says as he tosses down a hundred dollar bill on the notepad and smiles at us before turning to go back and set up for his next appointment. “Thank you!” We both say in unison as Jenny starts to go back down the hallway. “Yep.” He replies as he pulls out jewelry options for a bellybutton piercing.

  “You didn’t have to do that.” I say as I lean on his doorway. “I know, but I wanted to.” He looks up at me and smiles which almost has me wanting to jump in the chair and have him pierce me next just for another minute with him. “Your next ones here, Dylan.” Sill speaks over the intercom. “Send her back.” He tells him as a small ping of jealousy hits me. “Well, thank you again.” I say before I turn to go back to my office and this time I close my door. Just seeing the freshly grown stubble on his face that makes him look even more rugged and for the past two days it’s secretly driving me insane. He is just the picture of sultry masculinity and ever since the night he walked me home I have these feelings starting for him that are burning a hole inside of me. My heart beats erratically, my stomach does flips, and the temperature rises from my core. Every time this man is around me. So needless to say that my original plan to push him away so there wouldn’t be any desire beyond a simple friendship was a complete fail. On my part anyways. He seems to be okay with it though, we still flirt back and forth like crazy, but we never address the actual attraction at all, and maybe we never will. Granted it’s only been a little over a week and a half, but in my defense, we are around each other practically all day and across the hall from one another at that. So I guess he will just torcher my existence for the rest of my life, because the reality of it though is that he’s probably just a player at heart and this is what he does with all the girls. Winks, compliments, stares with occasional silence that practically feels dirty at some moments throughout the day to the point that I feel as if we should be ashamed. All of that might not be only for me, but maybe he does it anytime he is around a single woman. Who knows?