Armed and Inked Read online

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  What I do know is that he has come up behind me at the coffee pot and told me good morning as if we just rolled out of bed. Or when he stops by my office and talks about anything that could strike up a long conversation, like traveling, and the places we both have been. Which in turn ends up with us talking of the places we would like to visit one day, like the Grand Canyon or hidden waterfalls. The last one was my idea, but he agreed that it would be fun as long as I didn’t go alone. Regardless, my point is that every time we do talk it’s just different than a normal conversation I would have with a friend. There’s just more to it. I feel it.

  I take in much needed oxygen and let go. Things need to change. I need to focus on starting my life and when I told my brother the other day that it was time for me to go look for an apartment of my own he was excited for me. Plus I’m pretty sure he is beyond ready for me to move out anyway. He’ll never admit it because he has been acting as a parent more than a brother but I know I’ve held him back.

  As I sit down and go on the computer I begin to think of where I would want to live. Some place close so I don’t have to drive, since I still have to get a car, but that leaves a few choice places to pick from.

  I use the starting point as A&I and check for the closest ones first. A two bedroom on the top floor just two blocks over looks nice, but no laundry hook up. This means I have to make time to go to the laundry mat, and lug it up and down the stairs… no thanks! Next is a one bedroom with an office that’s right down past Vinnie’s, not a bad walk to work. It’s on the first floor, but doesn’t say anything about a laundry room. So I send this one to the printer so I can put it in the pile of possibilities.

  After a few more in the pile I switch to look at houses for rent when my door opens. “Lunch is here.” Jenny says as she opens the door but continues on her way to the kitchen. With the smell wafting down the hall so that everyone walks back like zombies to go eat. With a few grunts and elbows thrown for walking to slow we all fill in around the table. It’s a tight fit with Shane’s friend eating here with us since they are in the middle of a piece on his arm, but this is a family type place so we tend to feed our clients from time to time, especially when they are spending a lot of time in the chair.

  Jenny hands out all the orders and takes her seat right next to me. The first few minutes are silent because food doesn’t usually stand a chance around here, but after a couple minutes Jenny lightly elbows me. “Hey, my last appointment had to reschedule tonight, so do you want to get started?” I feel excitement pound in my chest. “Heck yeah I do!” I reply as the men at the table look to us. “About time!” Sill adds. “Oh I’m sticking around to see this!” Shane announces in between bites. When I get this feeling to look at Dylan he doesn’t say anything, he only grins and it instantly makes me feel things before Jenny elbows me harder this time. “You should probably go put something comfortable on and then come back down and be in my chair probably around four o’clock. Are we still going to do what we originally talked about?” She asks me. “Yep, I haven’t changed my mind.” I reply then take a drink. “Good, this is going to be fun!” A smile lights up her face and I have to admit she is a little too happy about inflicting pain on her best friend.

  Lunch ends rather quickly and everyone clears out for either a smoke break or just some fresh air, while I make sure everything is cleaned up and tie the garbage bag then head to the back door. When I get to the small dumpster I toss it in and turn around only to hit a brick wall. After I take a step back, I realize that the so called brick wall was Dylan’s chest.

  “You could have at least warned me you were there.” I say as I move around him to get out of the bright sun. He walks over to lean against the actual wall by the back door. “Sorry, I was listening to my voicemail when you came out, then I was going to help you but you turned around really fast.” “You’re like a ninja, I didn’t even see you.” I reply as I lean back against the wall next to him and he chuckles. “Military training I guess.” He replies. “Well the training worked.” After a moment of him scrolling through his phone he shuts it off and sticks in it his pocket then pushes off the wall. “So you nervous about later?” His deep voice and intense stare solely focused on me now. Feeling a little anxious at the moment because it’s just him and I out here, I answer. “A little.” A lot really, but I can’t admit that to anyone. “I’ll sit with you in between my appointments if you want. You can squeeze my hand.” He offers sweetly as my heart is about to pound out of my chest. “Oh god, it’s going to hurt that bad?” I catch myself ask in almost a panic and he laughs while looking down at me. “Relax; you will be fine, okay? It will hurt in some places more than others, but you can handle it.” “That’s not helping.” I tell him as I reconsider my decision for the location of this tattoo. He holds his hands up in surrender as I take note of all the ink he has all over is arms. “Okay, okay. Are you willing to let me show you something?” He asks apologetically. “Yeah, I guess.” I answer because I’d like to think I can trust him. Everyone else does, right. So I guess I do too.

  Oddly he looks around the back alley and then checks his phone for the time first. “Okay, go to your office and wait for me, I’ll be there in a few minutes and maybe I’ll ease your mind about later. Can you do that?” The fucking temperature just rose to about 150 degrees all of the sudden and I literally can’t even reply. So I just nod then turn around and head back inside.

  I look around to see who is where, like I’m about to do something illegal, and when I get to my office I begin to feel a little better. How can this man do this to me with just a two minute conversation? I obviously need something to calm me down. A few deep breaths later and I’m back to being me…mostly. I can handle him; it’s not like something crazy is going to happen, right?

  My phone goes off from a text message from Everly which makes me jump. She wants to come visit next week and tell me about her new job. My reply back is a message telling her to pick a day because for the most part I’m flexible. When I sit the phone back down I see Dylan walking into my office and closing the door behind him. Here we go again.

  “Come here Lilly.” He demands as he stands in the middle of the room and crooks his finger to me. I can’t help but smile a little bit because he is so damn sexy as he calls for me. When I get to him we are facing each other and he takes a step closer. I hope he can’t see my nervousness, oh fuck, who am I kidding, it’s written across my damn face I’m sure. The serious look on his face has me a little curious as his hand comes up to my hair and moves it back off my shoulder. “Look at me, and listen.” His words are caring but firm and I do exactly what he asks of me. “Your first tattoo can be a little intimidating, but I promise you, it will be okay.” His eyes stare straight in mine and hold me in almost a trance. Oddly enough however his voice seems to calm me down. “It’s going to be on this side right?” His hand goes down to touch my left side and I nod. “Okay, so this is easy, stay with me on this.” He says with a grin this time and I swear I could melt right here, but instead I just agree. “Okay, I’m listening.” I tell him which seems to make him happy. “Good, I’m pretty sure you’ll find this helpful.” He says in a lower and almost dirty voice. Which in turn begins to make me a little excited.

  Then I feel his hand lift my black shirt above my hip and his hand softly touches my bare skin, but his eyes never leave mine. “Okay” He pauses then continues. “Right here, it’s really sensitive.” As he slides his fingers gently across the bottom of my ribs I feel my breath catch. “Then right here is a little more bearable.” His fingers slide down the side of my waist so terribly slow and I find myself holding onto his shirt for stability. “But when you get to here.” His grip gets tight on my hip bone and I gasp a little but I can’t look away from his eyes. “You might need to take a break.” Needing strength I rest my arms on his shoulders and he pulls me in a little tighter. His breath smells like mint and as he leans in the stubble on his chin rubs my cheek. “But when you get to here.” His hand
slides over my jeans and down my thigh. “It isn’t so bad anymore.” His hand goes around to the back of my thigh right under my ass as his fingers dig in and lift, which pulls me in really tight against him. I can feel everything…his heart beating super-fast, his breathing a little shaky and his muscles flex. His large body envelopes me while my hands connect behind his neck. Our hearts are pounding in unison as I wait for his next move.

  When his lips land on my neck I feel tingles go through me inside. Like tiny fireworks going off at every nerve ending. So I slightly tilt my head to allow him more. Instead his mouth comes up to my ear. “But I have a secret to tell you.” He whispers his hot breath on my skin and I try my very best not to lose it right here and now. “Do you want to hear it?” I can hear the cockiness in his words and he damn well knows what he is doing to me. “Maybe?” I counter back playfully which earns me a little bite this time to my neck and I love the way it feels. “Oh you’ll want to hear this one, Lils, trust me.” If he only knew how much I’d give to know what he is going to tell me. “You ready?” He asks. “Tell me, please.” I almost beg and he chuckles. “Okay, here it goes.” He says as his other hand comes up to hold the side of my head to keep it from tilting too far. “You will be addicted after the first time is over. In fact, you’ll be planning on getting more before it’s even finished. And that I promise you.” He finished with one more kiss to my neck as he takes a step back and looks at me. I briefly notice his shaky hands before he puts them in his pockets, while I try my best to not fall into pieces.

  With a half crooked smile he looks at me while I take a hand and fix my hair back to cover my neck since I suddenly feel exposed. “Well do you feel better?” Genuine concern, or searching for a dirty confession I wonder. Nonetheless I truthfully answer because let’s be honest here…he already knows the answer. “I do actually.” I reply with a smile and a flushed face I’m sure. “Good, I’m glad.” He seems slightly relieved before we hear Sill tell him through the intercom that his next appointment is here. “Back to work I guess.” He says as he opens the door and for the first time closes it before he leaves. As I stand here wondering if he meant that the tattoos will be addictive or his touch, because honestly as of right now I want more of him for certain and I am absolutely clueless as to how this is going to work.

  With my emotions all over the place right now I do know one thing for certain and that is the fact that I am so totally fucked right now.

  With my best efforts I pull my thoughts together to get everything ready for Tony on a clip board and set in on my desk for when he gets here. Then I grab my purse and make my way quickly past the front and out the doors so I can go change into something more comfortable for my time with Jenny. Luckily for me I sneak past mostly unnoticed, since I had to tell Sill where I was in case Tony comes in sooner than expected.

  Behind my bedroom door I finally let it all out. “What the hell am I going to do now?” I say to myself as waves of emotions crash into me while I search my drawers for a pair of loose pajama pants. Not even really caring I grab the ones with a Halloween theme on them of pumpkins and witch hats and slide them on because if ink gets on these it’s no big deal. It’s when I look in the mirror that I see myself and suddenly without notice tears spill from my eyes. It has nothing to do with my clothes, or the fact that I’m finally getting a tribute tattoo for my parents today. However, it has everything to do with me feeling so lost that even if I had a map in my hand with a big red arrow and an X, I don’t think I would know where to go. Man I just wish I could have one more conversation with my mom, just one.

  As I push through the longing I begin to sort out everything that is racing through my head. Sadly Brandon the Ex Asshole was all I’ve ever known, and this new urge for Dylan isn’t getting any easier to control. It’s wrong and yet exciting. Probably a horrible idea to pursue, but I just can’t shake him. Seeing him every day only makes it worse and now add that to knowing what it’s like to be touched by him… I’m a wreck.

  Chapter 6

  “What the fuck”


  “What the fuck did I do that for?” I whisper to myself again when I’m alone at my station. I’m such an asshole. I probably just signed my resignation letter and sealed it with the sweet taste I took of Lilly’s soft fucking neck. Fuck, she tasted way to damn good anyway and then to top it off she had to go and let out a slight moan when I bit her too. I felt it in my balls that she wanted more, and that’s nothing but bad fucking news for me. How can I look at her now? Or worse how can we work together after that? I fucked up, but the twisted part of it all is that I know deep down there was no avoiding it.

  Every day she walks in here with a bright smile and a look about her that just makes me want to be around her. She interacts with everyone so caringly. She listens to them, looks them in the eye and is always willing to help out. I’ve never seen another woman look so fucking enticing in a pair of jeans and t-shirt either. She is one of those women that what you see is what you get. She’s beautiful but she isn’t fake, and to me that’s where this can all land on risky ground. Is she worth it? Hell fucking yes, but at what cost?

  “Your next one had to reschedule, so you’ve got about an hour.” Sill’s voice interrupts the silence but stops the noise in my head. Thank god. So I finish my bottle of water and head out for some fresh air.

  Shane’s out here smoking when I step out into the sun. Instantly guilt surfaces. Luckily for me though, I can hide it. “Tony is on his way. Have you seen Lilly?” Fuck. “Ahh, she left about thirty minutes ago, maybe.” I answer quickly as I recall her practically running down the hall. “She probably went up to change, do you mind going up and getting her for me since you have a minute?” Double Fuck. “I guess.” I say with a shrug because that is the last thing I want to do right now. “Thanks man.” He says before he claps the back of my shoulder and disappears back inside.

  With a sick feeling in my gut that she might just hate me, I walk over to the bottom door that leads up to where she is hiding and I open it. Already descending the stairs is Lilly, in funny Halloween pants. I can’t help but let out a laugh and she stops when she sees me. “What? Do I look that ridiculous?” Her face is serious as she looks down at her pants and then back to me in question. When I shake my head no but let out another laugh she crosses her arms over her chest and gives me the look of annoyance. “I’m going to go change.” She says and then turns around but not before I rush up and grab her arm. “No, stop.” I tell her through another laugh because she is so adorable. “You’re fine I promise, perfect actually.” I confess as I look her in the eye. “You sure?” She asks, and that’s when I see the look on her face, it’s almost hidden but I can see it. She had just been crying. Did I make her, or is she just that nervous about tonight I wonder. Either way I don’t like to see her like this and I’m man enough to make it right, even if it means me leaving.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask as I move a stray piece of hair that escaped her freshly made ponytail. She looks away and answers. “Nothing.” “Bullshit.” I counter and her eyes immediately find mine again with a new spark as we stand here in the middle of the stairwell. “Look, I’m sorry okay. I didn’t want to make you sad or uncomfortable.” I admit as I find myself at an otherwise loss for words. A small faint smile plays at her mouth. “You didn’t make me sad. Just confused is all.” The look on her face goes along with her words and I know she isn’t lying. “Confused…about what?” I can’t help but ask because I thought my affection was pretty clear. Her head tilts as she looks at me. Then before I can say anything else her mouth is on mine. Instinct comes too quickly as I pull her into me and taste for the first time her sweet fucking mouth. Her one hand grabs my neck as the other grabs my hair. She definitely wants this and sure as fuck so do I.

  We feel one another and before I know what’s happening I have her pinned against the wall and her legs are around me. Our breathing ragged and eyes wide open. This feels good…way too damn good. When the d
oor flies open we stop like two deer caught in headlights. “Shit.” The word comes out as a whisper from my mouth as I see Jen leaning in the doorway with a huge smile on her face. Lilly taps my shoulder and I realize I need to let her go and I do then step back as if we are about to be in trouble.

  “Was it the pants that did it for ya or was it the fact that you two have been fighting this since day one?” She asks me then looks to Lilly. I instantly feel relief as I hook and arm around Lilly and kiss the side of her cheek. “Definitely the pants.” I say as I let go and walk towards the door. Jen laughs and holds it open for us to come out. A slight moment of hesitation on Lilly’s part as we both look to her to come out. “Don’t worry Lil, I won’t say anything.” Jen reassures her which kind of irritates me, because for a moment there I kind of hoped it was Shane once Lilly showed how she felt about me. I don’t like hiding, and like I said before, I’m not afraid of Shane. I would just rather face the consequences now and be able to see what this is between us, but for the time being I’ll let her sort out her confusion I guess. “Come on Lil.” I motion for her. “Just give me a minute I’ll be right down okay?” She says sweetly. “Don’t change the pants!” I tell her and she rolls her eyes with a smile. “Fine, I just have to use the bathroom, I’ll only be a minute.” “Just hurry it up Tony will be here in like two minutes.” Jen tells her before she yells back “okay” and runs up the stairs.